The 8 Best Delay VST Plugins on the Market (2022)

“What are the best delay VST plugins out there in 2022?”
Delay and reverb are both the result a repeated audio signal. While reverb is based on extremely fast, continuous repetitions, delay effects are based on more controlled, separated timings.
It’s easy to think of delay as an “echo” sound, and this concept is one of the most important, powerful production tools in modern music.
A couple of terms you’ll need to know when experimenting with delay effects are:
Feedback: The number of times the sound is repeated.
Delay time: The time interval between each audio signal repetition.
When searching for a new delay VST plugin, producers usually ask themselves the same question: “are there any free alternatives?”
The answer is: yes and no.
There are many free delay plugins out there, a few of which have a decent selection of additional features and are, for the most part, enough to get the job done.
However, there comes a point where you have to step up your game and invest in a high quality, professional delay plugin. It’s the only way you’ll truly ever compete in the shark tank that is the music industry.
Luckily for us, delay VST plugins can be relatively cheap nowadays, so in this list I’ve included plugins for a range of budgets.
So without further ado, here is my rundown of the very best delay VST plugins on the market in 2022.
The 8 Best Delay VST Plugins on the Market in 2022
1. D16 Group – Repeater
Sound Quality
Value for Money
Who this plugin is for: Producers looking for a powerful, highly versatile delay tool that covers a range of vintage sounds while still giving incredible results across the board.
Speaking very generally, delay plugins can be separated into two categories: emulations of vintage models and digital, modern delay units. Vintage modelled delay plugins are a popular choice for music producers due to the tantalising possibility of re-creating iconic sounds from the past and applying them to modern music.
D16 Group have taken this concept and expanded on it, creating a single plugin that emulates 23 unique, authentically modelled delay units. These units include lush analog delays with fat vintage tones to deep, spatial delays with slight pitch modulations.
When I first heard about this plugin, I assumed the individual delay quality would suffer due to the eclectic range of units the plugin contains. Luckily for us, that is not the case. Each delay unit sounds highly authentic and detailed, and D16 clearly have a high attention to detail when it comes to emulating vintage, legendary delay effects.
Repeater Features
• 23 unique delay models
• 2 separate delay lines for left / right channels + independent control for each line.
• Tap function for non-synchronized delay times
• Ping-Pong mode
• Feedback loop’s analog mode
+ much more.
This product is available for both Windows / Mac and 32-bit / 64-bit.
Click here to check current price + more info / reviews.
2. Soundtoys – EchoBoy
Sound Quality
Value for Money
Who this plugin is for: Producers looking for what is probably the best sounding delay plugin on the market, but also have the money to spend on it.
Where do I even start with EchoBoy? Soundtoy’s immensely popular delay plugin EchoBoy is one of the most expressive, powerful delay tools I’ve ever got the chance to use. To many, this plugin is considered the gold standard of delay VST plugins, and for good reason.
EchoBoy includes 30 of the best echo boxes ever made, built-in to an intuitive, easy-to-use design. These classic delay units include EchoPlex, Space Echo, Memory Man, DM-2, and the TelRay oil can delay.
This plugin get’s especially interesting when you start playing around with the Groove, Feel and Accent controls. Using these features, you can add various shuffles or swings to the groove of the delay tail itself, which is an absolutely genius concept and Soundtoys execute it perfectly.
So what’s the catch? This plugin is pretty expensive. In my opinion, it’s absolutely worth the price tag, but to many this will definitely be outside their price range. I will mention however that Soundtoys have regular sales on Echoboy (I’m talking up to 75% off) so it’s definitely worth checking out just in case.
Echoboy Features
• 30 different echo styles
• Warm up vocals with high-end tape sound modeled on the Ampex ATR-102
• Control saturation, tape flutter and diffusion for strikingly analog-sounding effects
• Rich stereo delays with Dual and Ping-Pong modes
• Groove Controls: Adjust shuffle, swing and accent
• Rhythm Echo mode – one-of-a-kind rhythmic delay effects
This product is available for both Windows / Mac and 64-bit only.
Click here to check current price + more info / reviews.
3. u-he – Colour Copy
Sound Quality
Value for Money
Who this plugin is for: Producers looking for a high quality delay plugin capable of creating both the colouration of old-school bucket-brigade delays, and new, vibrant, more “modern” delay effects.
Music software development company u-he have an incredibly impressive track record of creating both classic emulation synths and more modern-sounding plugins. I’ve been a fan of their plugins for a while now, particularly their freeware Tyrell N6 and the outstanding emulation synth Diva.
Their highly popular delay plugin Colour Copy is yet another triumph. Colour Copy started as a stomp-box effect within their vintage emulation plugin Repro (read our full review of Repro here), and has since been expanded into an incredibly versatile, fully-featured delay workhorse.
This delay plugin is capable of creating an enormous variety of delays, from comb-filter / flanged effects to elongated ping-pong or “looper” effects. The highlight of the plugin is u-he’s unique feedback algorithms, and these really starts to shine when creating long, spacious delay tails.
Colour Copy is absolutely mind-blowing, and is definitely one of the best delay plugins on the market in 2022.
u-he – Colour Copy Features
• Bucket-brigade delay style analog results
• Unique colour morphing, + saturation for non-linear effects such as distortion and resonance
• 1ms to 1s or host-synched time base
• Dynamic ducking via envelope follower, with an option that preserves the initial delay
• LFO (with dynamic frequency and depth) can modulate rate, tap position or amplitude.
+ much more.
This product is available for both Windows / Mac and 32-bit / 64-bit.
Click here to check current price + more info / reviews.
4. D16 Group – Sigmund
Sound Quality
Value for Money
Who this plugin is for: Producers looking for powerful delay unit with an enormous amount of versatility while still not breaking the bank.
Sigmund is another delay plugin from D16 Group, and it comes packed with creative possibilities.
This plugin consists of four discrete delay units, each with its own, independent set of parameters and complementary modules built in. Sigmund can also be used as a tremolo, filter, limiter and distortion tool, making it one of the most versatile delay plugins out there.
It’s worth mentioning to beginners that this plugin definitely has a slight learning curve to it, and if you’re new to music production you may find this plugin a little overwhelming. However if you’re willing to put in the time, Sigmund is capable of creating some pretty incredible delay effects.
Sigmund Features
• Multimode filter
• Overdrive unit
• Separately configured pre and delay times with optional Tempo sync.
• Lowest delay time: 0.1ms
• Tap function for non-synchronized delay times
+ much more.
This product is available for both Windows / Mac and 32-bit / 64-bit.
Click here to check current price + more info / reviews.
5. RP Delay
Sound Quality
Value for Money
Who this plugin is for: Producers looking for a relatively affordable delay plugin with a few unique, highly creative extra features.
Rob Papen’s Delay plugin is somewhat of a hidden gem in the plugin world. It’s capable of all the standard delay functions you can think of (and does them well!) but it also has a few unusual tricks up it’s sleeve.
One special feature of RP Delay that is definitely worth mentioning is the FX routing functionality. “To explain, the sound reverser can reverse the input, while simultaneously reversing one of the delay lines. The reverse sound can also be triggered via a midi keyboard, generating totally new sounds, and sending them into the reverser with its own filter and distortion!“
I’d say this plugin is perfect for producers looking to create delay sounds using new, inventive methods not found in other plugins. Not only does this lead to potentially discovering some amazing delay sounds, but it’s a hell of a lot of fun too.
RP Delay Features
• 6 delay lines with 8 active multi-mode filters
• New FX routing features
• 4 modulation sequencers, 4 LFOs, and 4 envelopes
• Tape-sound delay allowing users to change tape length
+ much more.
This product is available for both Windows / Mac and 32-bit / 64-bit.
Click here to check current price + more info / reviews.
6. Pulsar Audio Echorec
Sound Quality
Value for Money
Who this plugin is for: Producers looking for an accurate emulation of an iconic echo/delay unit used by many 70s bands: Pink Floyd, The Shadows, Jimmy Page etc.
This delay plugin is an authentic-sounding, detailed emulation of the Binson Echorec 2, a classic delay unit with a rich, saturated sound.
As with most Pulsar plugins, increased functionality and design improvements have been applied to the original model. With Echorec, you can change the motor speed (and therefore the delay time) in real-time or to sync it to a chosen or tapped tempo.
Despite this being a great little emulation plugin, I do find it to be somewhat overpriced. But like with Soundtoy’s Echoboy, there always seems to be a sale on this plugin, so make sure to check the best price below if Echorec peaks your interest.
Pulsar Audio Echorec Features
• Accurately emulates the Binson Echorec 2
• Stereo Drift feature – slightly detunes the left and right channels
• Creative Modulations – creative pitch modulation possibilities or wow and flutter effects on the delayed signal.
• Three States of Wear
• Off mode – reproduces the color and grit of the delayed signal, without any delay.
+ much more.
This product is available for both Windows / Mac and 32-bit / 64-bit.
Click here to check current price + more info / reviews.
7. Nomad Factory Liquid Delays II
Sound Quality
Value for Money
Who this plugin is for: Producers looking for an great all-round delay plugin specializing in grungier, saturated sounds.
The Nomad Factory Liquid Delays II is a simple, filtered dual-delay effect plugin, featuring two delays, resonant filters, tube saturation-overdrive, peak-limiter, and LFO.
This delay plugin can create a range of delay effects, from clean, magnetic delays to filtered, ping-pong effects. I’d say this plugin really shines when it comes to saturated, dirty delay tails for that grungy, distorted vibe.
The Liquid Delays II is also noticeably light on CPU, so is perfect for adding quick delays to your sounds with the potential for multiple instances on one track.
Nomad Factory Liquid Delays II Features
• LFO Rate and Depth controls
• Sync to the host’s tempo
• Dual Delay using notation values controls
• HP and LP filter controls
• Overdrive control
+ much more.
This product is available for both Windows / Mac and 32-bit / 64-bit.
Click here to check current price + more info / reviews.
8. UltraTap
Sound Quality
Value for Money
Who this plugin is for: Producers looking for a multi-tap delay effect plugin with an innovative “transition” control.
In the words of the UltraTap creators: UltraTap is “capable of rhythmic delays, glitchy reverbs, huge pad-like volume swells and extraordinary modulation. It’s the perfect tool for creating drum fills, vocal choruses, swelling guitar chords and other evolving effects.”
This couldn’t be more true. This plugin is extremely versatile with a simple, easy-to-use layout, particularly for beginners. It also features a cool parameter called The Ribbon, which allows you to program two settings for any combination of the controls and seamlessly transition between them.
This video is a great example of how this plugin is used and what it’s capable of:
UltraTap Features
• Over 150 presets designed to inspire; including artist presets by Chris Carter, Colin Newman, Sasha and many more.
• The Ribbon transition control
• “Slurm” control – smear taps together or modulate them to create truly unique reverbs
• Up to 64 taps for simple repeats or morph delays into chorus and reverb.
• Onboard LFOs and envelopes to chop the sound source into stuttered rhythms
+ much more.
This product is available for both Windows / Mac and 32-bit / 64-bit.
Click here to check current price + more info / reviews.

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