The 100 Best FREE VST Plugins of All Time (76 – 100)
⇦ Click here for Part 3 (51 – 75)

76. Plugin Alliance Brainworx bx_subfilter
Polishing your mix’s low end can be tricky. Bass DI tracks can sound mushy, and kick tracks can lose their “pop.”
Sometimes everything below 100Hz can become such an undifferentiated soup of noise that you just don’t know where to start! Start here: The bx_subfilter is just the ticket for adding clarity and definition to tracks that have troublesome low frequencies.
There are lots of expensive and complicated EQ plugins out there, but when it comes to shaping your low end, the subfilter is unique for its ease and simplicity. With just a few quick adjustments to its four-knob interface, you can breathe new life into those 808s that have been muddying your mix.
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77. Flux BitterSweet v3
BitterSweet v3 is an acclaimed transient processor used by hundreds of thousands of users for audio transient management with the simple turn of a knob.
Turning it to the Sweet side reduces the transients, and turning it to the Bitter side magnifies the transients.
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78. Soca Labs PAPU
This is a great, open-source plugin for emulating hardware of the Nintendo Gameboy.
It has 2 Square wave channels, stereo output and is available on PC and Mac.
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79. Extent of the Jam Digits 2
Digits is a phase distortion synthesizer inspired by Casio’s CZ series, but takes that form of synthesis to the extremes.
Create warm pads, glitchy sounds, dirty basses, filthy sweeps, screaming leads, and anything in-between.
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80. HY-Plugins HY-Mono
HY-Plugins HY-Mono is an easy-to-use, surprisingly powerful free mono-synth.
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81. LinPlug FreeAlpha 3
LinPlug’s FreeAlpha3 includes 2 oscillator modules, a filter module, 2 envelopes and 3 LFO modules, a chorus effect and an easy-to-use yet powerful Modulation Matrix.
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82. Wavosaur VST Speek
VST Speek is a free vocal synthesis VST plugin for recreating the old skool robotic text to speech we all know and love.
Choose a preset, type any text and hear it back in a classic robotic tone.
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83. Alan Vista Chau Gongs
Chau-Gongs is a sampled chinese gong set.This gong set features 3 Tamtam gongs (40, 28 and 20 inches) and a Wind gong (20 inches) organized in 3 velocity layers.
It contains 12 stereo 24 bit samples from the
University of Iowa Electronic Music Studios public domain library.
- 4 gongs.
- 3 velocity layers.
- Release time, pan and volume controls for each gong.
- Amplitude dynamic range.
- Master volume.
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84. Alan Vista Royotoms
Royotoms is a sampled rototoms set.
This 8 rototoms set was sampled and tuned to play the famous “Time” song by Pink Floyd.
A reverb set of samples was created from the dry samples, using an IR impulse from the legendary EMT-140 plate reverb unit used in the original recording.
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85. Melda MLoudnessAnalyzer
Melda MLoudnessAnalyzer is a highly accurate analysis tool for evaluating loudness levels.
This free VST plugin is an EBU R128 and ITU-R BS 1770-3 compliant loudness meter. It contains a peak meter, momentary, short-term and integrated loudness meters and a loudness range meter.
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86. Hotto Spring Reverb
Hotto Spring Reverb is a free physically modelled spring reverb.
Spring Reverb emulates the physical behavior of the reverberation springs by solving the underlying partial differential equations on basis of the finite elements algorithm. A combination of three springs assures a reverb dispersion which is comparable with the real thing.
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87. lkjb Luftikus
Luftikus is a digital adaptation of an analog EQ with fixed half-octave bands and additional high frequency boost.
As an improvement to the hardware it allows deeper cuts and supports a keep-gain mode where overall gain changes are avoided.
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88. TDR Nova
NOVA is a parallel dynamic equalizer.
Appearing in the familiar layout of a parametric equalizer, each band also includes a full featured dynamics section allowing the processor to cover an impressively wide range of applications.
Be it a master lacking density, the drum bus asking for more crispiness, or a sibilance problem in your perfect take: NOVA has an elegant answer.
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89. Creative Intent Temper
Temper is a modern digital distortion plugin featuring a rich saturation stage and a unique phase distortion.
Use the variable saturation curve to add warmth and edge to your sound, and let the phase distortion bring character and clarity through your mix. Temper also features a simple resonant lowpass filter and a feedback path to drive the intensity of the tone.
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90. E-phonic Tape Delay
E-Phonic Tape Delay is a great, nifty delay plugin that emulates the warmth and familiarity of tape delay.
- Accurate tape delay emulation.
- Smooth tape-like delay time changes.
- Up to 1 second delay.
- High and low cut.
- Add noise for self resonance.
- MIDI-CC and VST Automation support.
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91. TDR Proximity
This free VST plugin is an easy to use distance “pan-pot” based on several psycho-acoustic models.
The idea is to give mixing engineer a reliable tool which allows him to manipulate the “depth” of several sound source in a straight forward and convincing manner.
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92. Aegean Music Doppler Dome
Doppler Dome is based on the Doppler effect.
It can be adjusted to have different levels for pan, volume, and pitch effects, so it can make the equivalent of a chorus, panner, tremolo, vibrato, etc, but with a totally flexible LFO / automation source.
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93. Audio Damage Rough Rider 2
Rough Rider 2 is a modern compressor with a bit of “vintage” style bite and a uniquely warm sound.
Perfect for adding compression effects to your drum buss, it also sounds great with synth bass, clean guitar, and backing vocals. Definitely not an all-purpose compressor, Rough Rider 2 is at its best when used to add pump to rhythmic tracks.
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94. Flux Stereo Tool v3
This free VST plugin is a complete stereo imaging and analysis tool.
StereoTool offers precise control of input gain and individual pan for left and right channels, accurate visual feedback reflecting the signal content with; a vector scope and PPM meters for inputs/outputs.
It also offers phase correlation meter permanently monitoring the signal and individual left and right polarity reversal.
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95. LVC Audio ClipShifter
ClipShifter is a wave-shaping audio plugin that functions like a clipping-style limiter. It provides enough user controls to be useful in all mixing stages: from distorting basses and drums, to maximizing mix buses and warming-up overall mixes.
The sonic characteristics of the clipping distortion can be altered from hard, brickwall-style clipping, to softer saturation with compression.
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96. Fine Cut Bodies La Petite Excite
“La Petite Excite” is a small exciter plugin and it can lead you to great possibilities when used wisely.
It can add some “phat-ness” or “sparkle” to your sounds, targeting either low or high frequencies.
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97. iZotope Vinyl
iZotope’s Vinyl simulates the dust, scratches, warp, and mechanical noise reminiscent of yesteryear vinyl sounds.
Perfect for music production and audio post, Vinyl lets you control each nostalgic element independently, giving you all the vintage turntable sounds you love.
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98. Melda MNotepad
MNotepad is a simple text editor you can edit within your DAW, which won’t perform any audio processing. You can use it to store comments, lyrics or just any text.
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99. Mercuriall Tubes Creamer 808
Mercuriall Tubes Creamer 808 is a authentic adaptation of the Ibanez TS808 Tubescreamer in plugin form.
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100. DSK Dynamic Guitars
Features and download:
This is a great free guitars VST instrument that can emulate 3 guitar types: Acoustic, Nylon & Steel.
- – ADSR envelove control
- – Panorama control
- – Voice mode selector
- – Amplitude Range control
- – Velocity curve selector
- – Reverb fx included
- – Dynamic velocity response
- – Available for Windows and Mac (32 and 64 bits)
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