Fruitymasterz Hercules V2 – A FREE VST Synthesizer

Fruitymasterz have released Hercules V2, a freeware virtual analog-modeled synthesizer for Windows only.
This free synth is the updated version of the original Hercules plugin, with a significantly improved sound system, a new effects module and improved modulation capabilities.
At the end of the day, Hercules V2 is an extremely simplistic plugin with a fraction of the functionality of other free heavyweight synths such as Vital.
However, it’s definitely worth downloading if you’re a beginner to sound design or VST synthesizers in general. Its highly intuitive and easy-to-understand GUI makes it ideal for learning the ropes of sound design without becoming overwhelmed by additional features and controls.
Hercules V2 includes a two independent oscillators, two LFO’s, a small filter module, envelope controls and the new FX section. The FX module can be found in the central panel and includes delay and chorus parameters.
It also features a modulation section in the Routing section of the main menu. Here you can utilise the LFOs to modulate various synth parameters.
Like I said, this is a very rudimentary synth plugin that beginners out there may find particularly useful. However if you’re experienced with other fully-featured virtual synths, this one is probably not for you.
Hercules 2 is available in 2-bit & 64-bit VST2 & VST3 plugin format for Windows only.
Download Link: Click here for more info on

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