Giant Verb – A FREE Reverb Plugin From Digital Systemic Emulations

To celebrate the New Year, Digital Systemic Emulations have released a FREE reverb plugin “Giant Verb”. This reverb plugin has no expiry date, and will remain free as long as the plugin is still available.
As the name suggests, this plugin is designed to create huge, spacious reverb tails. It is also modelled on analog hardware, with pre-delay, pre-warmth and feedback options. The Giant Verb developers have also clearly made efficiency a priority, as this reverb plugin has an impressively low CPU-usage, and should perform great on most systems regardless of specs.
The main features of Giant Verb:
• Total feedback up to 100% (=infinite decay time). Setting the decay time to “infinite” will give a 5 hour reverb tail! I’m not sure who would ever need this, but it’s a pretty cool concept.
• Analog input behavior: pre-warmth factor
• Reverb modulation for smooth & discrete chorusing. This feature is perfect for adding some subtle, evolving patterns to the resulting reverb effect.
• Direct & intuitive UI, optimized for sound over technical stuff
• Ultra-low space (5 Mo), super light CPU use (~0%) so you can use it on live sessions without latency
The reverb itself sounds pretty remarkable for a free plugin, with more than enough customization options to finetune your reverb sounds. I’d say this plugin excels when it comes to smoother instruments such as strings, clean guitar and synth pads. It’s relatively easy to create huge, lush reverbs that could rival some commercial reverb plugins, so I’d definitely recommend taking this one out for a spin.
On a related note, Digital Systemic Emulations have several other free plugins that are worth checking out, including a broken and dissonant Pleyel Piano plugin.
Some users have noted a few bugs in DAWs such as Reaper, but this is a brand new plugin and I’m certain any issues will be fixed down the line. I tested this plugin in Ableton and found no bugs or glitches.
Giant Verb is available in VST/AU plugin formats for Windows/macOS (64-bit only). Download is available via Google Drive.
For more info, or to download Giant Verb, click here.

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