HY-Plugins Release HY-ESG – A FREE Euclidean Sequencer Gate Plugin

HY-Plugins have released a freeware sequencer plugin called HY-ESG, with a fantastic, low-CPU design and a versatile range of gate controls.
Unlike most trance-gate plugin, HY-ESG displays a circular “euclidean” sequencer, which puts a very unique spin on a classic concept. This plugin makes it extremely straight-forward to create unique sequencer rhythms, using it’s clear, intuitive GUI.
Control the Rhythm
HY-Plugins, creators of plugins such as subtractive synthesizer HY-POLY and delay plugin HY-Delay4, have kindly released this plugin for free. The sequencer module controls the gate effect, which uses an ADSR envelope to modulate volume. The plugin can also add rhythm and movement to static sounds.
On the left hand side of the interface are the sequencer controls. This module allows you to experiment with the steps, pulses, direction and duration of the plugin. You can even rotate the Euclidean sequencer itself.
HY-ESG also has a dedicated “gate” section, containing the standard ADSR envelope controls. There is also a modulation section spanning the bottom of the plugin, offering 3 modulations. Each individual modulation source can be set to either LFO or S&H mode, as well as ADSR, wave, rate, phase and level controls. This modulation module in particular gives you a lot of creative options, making this a surprisingly powerful free plugin.
The plugin also has undo/redo functionality, a bypass switch, a preset manager and a freely resizable interface.
Overall, we are incredibly impressed with this free plugin from HY-Plugins, particularly the atypical Euclidean sequencer and the modulation options.
HY-ESG is available in VST, VST3, and AU plugin formats for Windows / macOS.
Download Link: Click here (16.8 MB download size).

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