Trikit – KrushPro | HONEST Review (2020)

Since its release in 2016, Trikit’s bitcrusher plugin “Krush” has become one of the most popular, acclaimed free bitcrusher plugins out there. Hailed for its streamlined workflow, beautifully simple design and its crunchy, modulated timbral possibilities, Krush remains an outstanding choice for both beginner and advanced producers looking to expand their bitcrushing plugin arsenal.
Trikit have now released KrushPro, a much-improved version of their bitcrusher freeware. KrushPro includes a new “Wavecrushing” distortion module, a dual frequency shifter / ring modulator module and several other engine upgrades. However, these impressive interface improvements do raise an important question. Does this new bitcrusher plugin still have the razor-sharp workflow and ease-of-use of the original freeware?
The Engine
In terms of appearance, KrushPro has the same blacked-out, sleek design as the free version. It probably isn’t a stretch to assume this simple, no-nonsense design is one of the reasons these bitcrusher plugins are so damn fast. KrushPro has a insanely rapid workflow and is noticeably light on CPU, which is very impressive given the amount of new features it has.
To quickly cover the specifics of similar Krush / KrushPro features, the Bitcrush module is exactly the same as the freeware, with drive, crush and downsample controls. The filter module now has 4 filter shapes (high-pass, low-pass, band-pass and comb-filter), as opposed to just high-pass and low-pass, with similar frequency and resonance controls. A major improvement here is the separation of Input Filter and Output Filter, which gives an added element of sonic versatility. As expected, both plugins also have Dry and Wet controls. Generally speaking, that is about as far as the similarities go. KrushPro has introduced several features that blow the original out of the water, and this revamped version is now so much more than just a bitcrusher plugin.
KrushPro includes an exciting “Wavecrush” module, which significantly increases the distortion / wave-folding potential of the plugin. When used independently, or alongside the standard Bitcrush module, this module delivers some very unique, highly creative sound design options. From crunchy, mangled sounds, to watery, lucid effects, the sonic possibilities here are immense. This module also allows you to morph the waveform into 17 various wavetable shapes (4 basic shapes and 13 unique “spicy” shapes). There is also a small wavetable visualizer within the module that shows the waveform changes in real-time.
One of the stand-out improvements for me in KrushPro is the new “Freq Shift” and “Ring Mod” dual module. These do exactly what they say on the tin, and are not dissimilar from traditional frequency shifters or ring modulators. The module includes intuitive harmonic and in-harmonic controls, which open the door to some truly bizarre, tantalizing effects.
Overall, the Bitcrush, Wavecrush and Freq Shift / Ring mod modules are genuinely fantastic. They can be used to crush, bend, fold or completely tear apart your sounds in any way imaginable. It’s worth noting these 3 sections can be easily re-ordered within the plugin, and include individual wet controls. But there is a lot more to this plugin than the default interface, so let’s take a look at KrushPro’s hidden weapon: the modulation matrix.

Modulation re-imagined
The modulation section in KrushPro is actually one of my favourite additions to this revamped bitcrusher plugin. The original Krush freeware did have a modest modulation section, but the depth and versatility of this updated module is not even in the same ballpark as the original.
To access the modulation section, the KrushPro interface can be expanded at the bottom. Within the module, you have 3 LFO’s, 2 sequencers and an envelope modulation source. The plugin gives an overview of the 6 modulation options, and you simply click within a modulator to edit it’s various parameters. For example, 6 wave shapes are available for each LFO, and each LFO module can be set at a “free” timing or work in sync with your DAW. There is also a phase differentiation parameter in each LFO section.
Modulation sources can then be assigned to various macros within the modulation matrix. It’s also possible to connect different modulators via other modulation sources, and without getting too in-depth here, this gives an almost staggering level of flexibility when it comes to modulating your bitcrushing / distortion effects.
A Bitcrushing Workhorse
In my opinion, one of the most noteworthy things about the original Krush plugin was its underlying warm, “analog” character. Given the fundamentally digital nature of bitcrushing, this statement seems almost redundant, but Krush did have a certain rich, organic feeling to its sound output. KrushPro retains this analog-style bitcrusher sound perfectly. Furthermore, the range of effects this plugin is capable of is genuinely insane – from crisp, modulated, downright weird digital sounds to warm, analog-style overdrive.
Overall, i’d say this plugin retains everything that made the original freeware so good: an intuitive workflow, a lightning-fast GUI, and stunning sound quality. With KrushPro, Trikit have completely outdone themselves by adding one-of-a-kind audio manipulation options. Whether you’re new to bitcrusher plugins, or looking to seriously expand your bitcrushing / distortion production capabilities, this plugin is a no-brainer.
Sound Quality
Value for Money
Compatibility: Mac: AU / VST / AAX | Windows: AAX / VST 64bit / VST 32bit
KrushPro is currently priced at €49.
For more information, specs, or to purchase KrushPro, check out this product on

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