MIDI EXPLAINED | What is MIDI and How Do I Use it?

To put it simply, MIDI is basically the language that allows computers, music instruments and other hardware to communicate.
By playing a MIDI sequence on a MIDI keyboard for example, you are sending information to your DAW on what notes where played, how long the notes lasted, how hard you played the notes and other signals.
It does NOT send an audio signal, it is only sending data, which is exactly what makes MIDI so powerful. This data can be manipulated with ease, and allows you to edit the performance independently of the actual sound.
Why should I be using MIDI?
Let’s say you’ve performed a MIDI sequence (for example, playing a MIDI piano chord sequence). You stop the recording, and realize that the entire performance was perfect, apart from one small mistake. Using MIDI, you can easily drag the note to the correct pitch, or even edit the volume or length of the individual note. Most of the time, this would be very difficult when working with audio files.
MIDI also gives you an incredible amount of precision and control over each individual note. For example, if you wanted to create a quick hi-hat roll, you an use MIDI to quickly sequence out rapid consecutive hi hat hits, and control the volume, pan etc for each hi hat.
You can also use MIDI without a physical MIDI controller. All DAW include piano rolls, which essentially allow you to click and drag notes to sequence chords and melodies for specific sounds.

How to use MIDI
How to use MIDI depends on your chosen DAW. Any DAW will allow you to sequence out MIDI notes using the piano roll. You can also directly record MIDI sequences using a MIDI keyboard or drum pad.
Most piano rolls are incredibly intuitive and beginner-friendly, so it’s fairly easy to start creating your own melodies and chord patterns.

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